Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Zen and the Art of Housekeeping

 Bei loves getting his face painted!  
Kai loves playing with water!

I had ENORMOUS plans of what I was going to do with all of my free time once the boys were in school.    I was going to join a bible study, work out daily, clean out every drawer, cabinet and closet in my house, begin and complete Kai's life book, print out my previous blog into a hard copy book, volunteer for Love Without Boundaries, volunteer at the boys school, save gobs of money by becoming a coupon extremist and learn to cook like Martha Stewart...BIG, BIG, BIG plans!!!  Well I realized quickly I am very delusional.   None of it is happening...NONE!!!   Instead, I am keeping up with my wash, making a meal in the morning to be served at dinner time, straightening up the house and that is it!  To be fair to myself,  I am cleaning out a drawer/cabinet here or there too.   It is all I accomplish in 4 hours.  I'm pretty much a housekeeping wimp...  Hopefully the boys will grow up to say "my mom wasn't the best housekeeper but she sure did love us".  


  1. Replies
    1. I want to get back on the Good Ship Lollipop...where all my delusional dreams came true. :)

  2. Hi Liz - I haven't commented in so long, but do check your blog once in a while to see how things are going. You are truly an incredible person and mom! XuXu too struggles with abandonment issues and it is refreshing to find someone who questions the "forever family" phrase :-) I have ordered the book you suggested and truly appreciate it!

    1. Stephanie,

      It is so nice to hear from you again! I love adding new tools to my parenting toolbox. The Whole Brain Child has definitely been a good one for me. I'm sorry to hear that XuXu also struggles with abandonment...isn't it heartwretching at times? I'm hopeful that some day Bei will have that sense of constancy and permancy that he needs.

      How old is XuXu now?


  3. Thanks Carol! I'm lucky because I have amazing kids!!
