Bei with one of his very favorite people, John. People would be shocked to find this 50+ year old man hiding in closets and playing hiding and go seek for hours with his little buddy.
Those of you who have followed my journey understand how challenging these past two years have been. The first year with Kai was physically exhausting because of his inability to hold himself up and my exhaustion was compounded by the fact that he screamed inconsolably every single night and couldn't sleep. Additionally, we were still identifying his medical needs. As Kai's mobility improved in the second year I faced new challenges. Trying to get the right services for him so that he can have a language. Here was this bright little boy who was diagnosed with bilateral hearing impairment and he was virtually locked in from a communication standpoint. Kai not only has oral motor delay which makes speaking hard, but he has ataxia which makes sign language even the more difficult. This past year I have spent most of my time trying to get the right services for Kai through the school district. It has been a battle to say the least. I won't get into all the details in this post but I did think at one point it would be resolved in a court of law.
Through all of the trials and tribulations of the past two years there came times when I thought this is bigger than myself and I can't do it on my own. It was at those times, that I felt humbled before God and knew that this is His show and I am just an instrument for him to use. There was a song that played on the radio that resonated with me this past year. I wanted to share it with you because I think it speaks to so many different situations and different needs. I hope you enjoy it.
With all that said, I would not change one minute or one day of these past years. I have learned so much about love, life, people, and God. Most importantly I have learned that my life is not about me, it is about serving others so that I can bring Glory to God. It has all been so rewarding and worth every arse kicking I got...and I got alot these past 2 years!